Juice cocktails, which can reduce the risk of stroke

Kiwi fruit juice drinks that you should eat every day. Nutritious because of its predominately Kiwi fruit juice is very helpful to the human body. It also contains fiber and potassium, so it is most suitable for the prevention of stroke. However, we will show a recipe mixcrowave a type that can be useful to reduce stroke.

  • Half a liter of water
  • Kiwi fruit, fresh tires and a half pounds
  • A little sugar.

the first cut kiwi fruit chunks and put into a blender with water and sugar together and grind it into a lbeayosmaesaeach a. After milling The juice into a glass and leave it in the fridge. However, before eating The juice should be mixed with water. Note: do not eat more than two drinks a day because it can cause weird.

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